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Name:                         John Turner Langfitt

Date of Birth:             January 28, 1959




1981          B.A. Yale College (English Literature)

1985          M.A. Boston University (Psychology)

1990          Ph.D. Boston University (Psychology)

1988-89    Predoctoral Intern in Neuropsychology, West Haven VAMC, Yale                           University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT

      1989-91    Postdoctoral Fellow, Neuropsychiatric Institute & Hospital,

                        University of California, Los Angeles, CA (UCLA)

2017-19    Core Training in ISTDP, Dalhousie University,  Halifax, NS

2020-22    Advanced Training in ISTDP, Dalhousie University,                               

                  Halifax, NS

2022-        ISTDP Individual Supervision, Steven Shapiro, PhD


Honors and Appointments:

1981          Graduated cum laude, Yale College

1984-85    University Fellow, Boston University

1985-86    University Teaching Fellow, Boston University

1985-86    Instructor in Psychology, Boston University

1987-88    Instructor in Neuropsychology, Department of          

                       Rehabilitation Psychology, University Hospital, Boston, MA

1989-91    Postdoctoral Scholar,  UCLA School of Medicine, Los Angeles, CA

1989-91    Postgraduate Researcher, Brain Research Institute,    

                       UCLA School of Medicine, Los Angeles, CA

1990-91   Wilder Penfield Behavioral Sciences Postdoctoral

                       Fellowship, Epilepsy Foundation of America

      1991-93   Senior Instructor, Dept. of Neurology, University of

                       Rochester, Rochester, NY

1993-00   Assistant Professor, Dept. of Neurology, University of

                       Rochester, Rochester, NY

2000-21  Associate Professor, Depts. of Neurology & Psychiatry,    

                 University of Rochester, Rochester, NY

2021-       Emeritus Professor, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY


2013         Rita Underberg Teaching Award, URMC Dept. of Psychiatry

2013         Greater Rochester Board Leadership Award

2017         Distinguished Service to NYSAN Award, New York State   

                 Association of Neuropsychology

2019         Fred Wagner Service Award, Epilepsy-Pralid, Inc.


Licensing and Certification:

1991-        Psychologist, New York State (Lic. # 010929)

2023-        Psychologist, Vermont (Lic. # 048.0134720)

     2000-         Board Certified in Clinical Neuropsychology, American

                        Board of Professional Psychology (ABPP-Cn)

Membership in Professional Societies:

1987-2004  International Neuropsychological Society

1993-2004  American Psychological Association      

      1993-2019 American Epilepsy Society

      2000-         American Academy of Clinical Neuropsychology

      2009-         New York State Association of Neuropsychology

      2023-         Vermont Psychological Association




1991-2019  Neuropsychologist, Strong Epilepsy Center, Dept. of 

                         Neurology, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY

2019-          Neuropsychology Private Practice, John T Langfitt, LLC




1991-2003  Supervisor, Post-Doctoral Training Program in Clinical

                         Neuropsychology, Dept. of Psychiatry, University of


1995-2019  Director, Psychosocial Team, Strong Epilepsy Center

1996-99     Coordinator, Special Interest Group on Outcomes

                         Research, American Epilepsy Society

2002-03      Director, Post-Doctoral Training Program in Clinical

                    Neuropsychology, Dept. of Neurology, University of


2010-14      Director, Psychological Testing Service, Dept. of Psychiatry,

                    University of Rochester

2019-21      Co-Director, Functional Neurology Track, Post-Doctoral

                    Fellowship in Psychology, Dept. of Psychiatry, University of





Courses Taught:

2009            Neurobiological Foundations of Behavior (CSPP 566) Dept. 

                    of Clinical and Social Psychology, University of Rochester

2010-14       Neuropsychology (BCS 242), Dept. of Brain & Cognitive

                    Sciences, University of Rochester

2009-15      Biology of Mental Disorders (BCS 246) Dept. of Brain &

                    Cognitive Sciences, University of Rochester

2018            2nd International Training Course on the

                    Neuropsychology of  Epilepsy (International League

                    Against Epilepsy), Provence, France

2019            3rd International Training Course on the

                    Neuropsychology of  Epilepsy (International League

                    Against Epilepsy), Hanoi, Vietnam



Funded Research:

1992             Site Investigator, Quality of Life in Epilepsy Inventory

                           Wallace Laboratories.

1995-96       Principal Investigator, ‘Treatable Individual and Family

                           Factors Associated with Psychosocial Outcomes of

                           Epilepsy Surgery’ Epilepsy Foundation of America.      

1996-2005    Site Investigator, ‘The Multicenter Study of  Outcomes of

                           Epilepsy Surgery’ (RO1 NS32375 NINDS, Susan Spencer,


1998-20 03  Principal Investigator, ‘Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of

                           Surgery in Epilepsy, (RO1 HS09986-01 AHRQ).

2002-07       Co- Investigator, Early Randomized Surgical Epilepsy

                     Trial (ERSET) (NINDS UO1 NS42372-01A1, Jerome

                     Engel, Jr., PI)  

2007             Consultant, Long term outcome of childhood onset

                           epilepsy, (NINDS R01 NS031146 A. Berg, PI)

2008-10       Co-PI, Functional Plasticity of Language, Schmitt

                     Program in Integrative Brain Research, Dept. of

                     Neurobiology & Anatomy, University of Rochester

2009             Consultant, Childhood Absence Epilepsy: Rx, PK-PD-

                           Pharmacogenetics (NINDS U01 NS045911 T Glauser, PI)

2009-17       Consultant, Radiosurgery vs lobectomy for temporal lobe

                           epilepsy: Phase 3 Clinical Trial (NIH/NINDS U01 NS

                           045686, N. Barbaro, PI)

2011-17       Site Investigator, Presurgical Applications of FMRI in

                           Epilepsy (NIH/NINDS R01 NS035929, J. Binder, PI)

Editorial Boards:

1993-99        Ad Hoc Reviewer for Archives of Neurology

1994-2019    Ad Hoc Reviewer for Epilepsia

1997-2019    Ad Hoc Reviewer for Neurology

1997-2004    Ad Hoc Reviewer for Quality of Life Research

2005-2019    Ad Hoc Reviewer for Epilepsy and Behavior

2008-2010    Associate Editor, Epilepsia

2004-2010    Associate Editor, Journal of the International

                       Neuropsychological Society


External Research Review Committees and Study Groups:

1999-2001    Sub-commission on the Economic Burden of Epilepsy,

                      International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE)

1999-2001    Sub-commission on Outcomes, ILAE

2000              Program Committee, Annual Meetings of the American

                      Epilepsy Society

2002-05        Commission on Health Policy, ILAE

2005-10        Neurological, Aging and Musculoskeletal Epidemiology

                      (NAME) Study Section, NIH-NINDS

2005-11        Student Fellowship Review Committee, Epilepsy

                            Foundation of America (EFA)

2005-08        Research Initiative Fund Review Committee, American

                      Epilepsy Society

2005-11        Behavioral Sciences Post-Doctoral Fellowship Review

                     Committee, EFA

2008–11       Targeted Research in Health Outcomes Review

                     Committee, EFA 

2009             NIH-NINDS Epilepsy Common Data Elements (CDE)

                    Work Group on Neuropsychology

2009             NIH-NINDS Epilepsy CDE) Work Group on Quality of

                    Life Assessment 

2010-13      NINDS Epilepsy Benchmark Stewards Commission

2010-13      American Academy of Clinical Neuropsychology

                    Outcomes Research Program Review Committee

2013-19      Sub-commission on Neuropsychology, ILAE



Peer Reviewed Publications:


Ettlin TM, Beckson M, Benson DF, Langfitt JT, Amos EC & Pineda GS.

Prosopagnosia: a bihemispheric disorder. Cortex 28(1):128-134, 1992. PMID: 1572169


Langfitt JT. Comparison of the psychometric characteristics of three quality of life measures in intractable epilepsy.  Quality of Life Research, 4:101-114, 1995. PMID:7780378


Langfitt JT & Rausch R.  Word-finding deficits persist after left anterior temporal lobectomy.  Archives of Neurology, 53:72-76, 1996. PMID: 8599562


Langfitt, JT.  Cost-effectiveness of anterotemporal lobectomy in medically intractable, complex partial epilepsy.  Epilepsia, 38:154-163, 1997. PMID:9048666


Pilcher WH, Langfitt JT. Analysis of outcome: temporal lobe resection. [Review] [50 refs].   44:401-21, 1999 PMID:10080018


Langfitt, JT, Wood BL, Brand BL, Brand J & Erba, G. Family interactions as targets for intervention to improve social adjustment after epilepsy surgery.  Epilepsia 40(6):735-744, 1999.  PMID:10368071


Vickrey BG, Berg AT, Sperling MR, Shinnar S , Langfitt JT, Bazil CW, Walczak TS, Pacia S, Kim, S. & Spencer SS. Relationships between seizure severity and health-related quality of life in refractory, localization-related epilepsy. 41(6):760-764, 2000. PMID:10840410


Berg AT, Vickrey BG, Sperling MR, Langfitt JT, Bazil CW, Shinnar S, Walczak TS, Pacia S, Spencer SS. Driving in adults with refractory localization-related epilepsy. 54(3):625-630, 2000. PMID:10680794


Haut, SR, Berg AT, Shinnar S, Cohen, HW, Bazil C, Sperling MR, Langfitt JT, Pacia SV, Walczak T, & Spencer SS. Interrater-reliability among epilepsy centers: Multicenter Study of Epilepsy Surgery. 43(11):1396-1401, 2002. PMID:12423391


Berg, AT, Vickrey, BG, Langfitt JT, Sperling, MR, Walczak, TS, Shinnar, S, Bazil, CB, Pacia, S. and Spencer, SS, for The Multicenter Study of Epilepsy Surgery.The Multicenter Study of Epilepsy Surgery; recruitment and selection for surgery.44: 1425-1433, 2003. PMID:14636351


Spencer, SS, Berg, AT, Vickrey, BG, Sperling, MR,Bazil, CB, Shinnar, S, Langfitt JT, Walczak, TS, Pacia, S, Ebrahimi, N,and Frobish, D for The Multicenter Study of Epilepsy Surgery.Initial outcomes in the Multicenter Study of Epilepsy Surgery. , 61:1680-1685, 2003. PMID:14694029


Stroup E, Langfitt JT, Berg M, McDermott M, Pilcher W, Como P. Predicting verbal memory decline following anterior temporal lobectomy (ATL)60: 1266-1273, 2003PMID:12707428


Berg, AT, Langfitt JT, Shinnar, S, Vickrey, BG, Sperling, MR, Walczak, T, Bazil, C, Pacia SV, and Spencer, SS..How long does it take for partial epilepsy to become intractable? 60: 186-190, 2003. PMID:12552028

Janzen L, Sherman E, Langfitt JT, Berg M, Connolly M. Preserved episodic memory in subcortical band heterotopia. 45:555-558, 2004. PMID:15101838


Spencer, SS, Berg, AT, Vickrey, BG, Sperling, MR,Bazil, CB, Shinnar, S, Langfitt JT, Walczak, TS, Pacia, S. Predicting long-term seizure outcome after resective epilepsy surgery: the multicenter study. , PMID:16186534


Devinsky O, Barr WB,Vickrey BG, Berg AT, Bazil CW, Pacia SV, Langfitt JT, Walczak TS, Sperling MR, Shinnar S, Spencer SS. Changes in depression and anxiety after resective surgery for epilepsy. 65: 1744-1749, 2005.PMID:16344516


Theodore, WH, Spencer, SS, Wiebe, S, Langfitt JT, Shafer, PO, Vickrey, BG. Epilepsy in North America: A Report Prepared under the Auspices of the Global Campaign against Epilepsy, the International Bureau for Epilepsy, the International League against Epilepsy, and the World health Association. , 47:1700-1722, 2006.PMID:17054693


Chin PS, Berg AT, Spencer SS, Lee ML, Shinnar S, Sperling MR, Walczak, TS, Bazil CW, Pacia SV, Vickrey, BG. Patient-perceived impact of resective epilepsy surgery.PMID:16801655


Langfitt JT, Vickrey BG, McDermott M, et al. Validity & responsiveness of generic preference-based HRQOL instruments in chronic epilepsy. Qual Life Res. 15(5):899-914, 2006. PMID:16721649


Berg AT, Vickrey BG, Langfitt JT, et al. Reduction of AEDs in postsurgical patients who attain remission. 47(1):64-71, 2006.PMID:16417533


Berg AT, Langfitt JT, Spencer SS, Vickrey BG. Stopping antiepileptic drugs after epilepsy surgery: a survey of U.S. epilepsy center neurologists. Epilepsy Behav. 10(2):219-22, 2007 PMID:17251061


Spencer SS, Berg AT, Vickrey BG,Sperling MR, Bazil CB, Haut S, Langfitt JT, Walczak, TS, Devinsky, O. Health-related quality of life over time since resective epilepsy surgery.   ():2007. PMID:17567854


Chin PS, Berg AT, Spencer SS, Sperling MR, Haut SR, Langfitt JT, Bazil CW, Walczak TS, Pacia SV and Vickrey BG. Employment outcomes following resective epilepsy surgery.PMID:17645537


Langfitt JT, Westerveld M, Hamberger MJ, et al. Worsening of quality of life after epilepsy surgery: effect of seizures and memory decline. Neurology 68(23):1988-94, 2007. PMID:17548548


Begley, CE, Baker,GA, Chisholm D, Langfitt JT, Pachlatko C, Wiebe S. . Cross-country measures for monitoring epilepsy care. 48:990-1001, 2007. PMID:17319922


Langfitt, JT, Holloway, RG, McDermott, MP, Messing, S, Sarosky, K, Berg, AT, Spencer, SS, Vickrey, BG, Sperling, MR, Bazil, CW, & Shinnar, S.  Health Care Costs Decline After Successful Epilepsy Surgery. Neurology, 68:1290-1298, 2007. PMID:17438219


Berg, AT, Langfitt, JT, Vickrey, BG, Spencer, SS  Stopping Antiepileptic Drugs After Epilepsy Surgery: A Survey of  US Epilepsy Center Neurologists, Epilepsy & Behavior 10: 219-222, 2007. PMID:17251061


Langfitt JT & Wiebe S. Early surgical treatment for epilepsy. Current Opinion in Neurology. 21(2):179-83, 2008. PMID: 18317277


Berg, AT, Langfitt JT,Testa FM, Levy SR, Dimario F, Westerveld M, Kulas J. Residual cognitive effects of uncomplicated idiopathic and cryptogenic epilepsy. . 13: 614-619, 2008. PMID: 18675938


Berg AT, Langfitt JT, Testa FM, Levy SR, DiMario F, Westerveld M, Kulas J. Global cognitive function in children with epilepsy: a community-based study. . 49(4):608-14, 2008. PMID:18070088


Binder, JB, Gross, WL, Allendorfer, JB, Bonilha, L, Chapin, J, Edwards, JC, Grabowski, TJ, Langfitt JT, Loring, DW, Lowe, MJ, Koenig, K, Morgan, PS, Ojemann, JG, Rorden, C, Szaflarski, JP, Tivarus, ME, Weaver, KE. Mapping Anterior Temporal Lobe Language Areas with FMRI: A Multi-Center Normative Study. . 54(2): 1465-1475, 2010. PMID: 20884358


Engel, J, Jr.,McDermott, MP, Wiebe, S, Langfitt JT ,Erba, G, Gardiner, I, Stern, J, Dewar, S, Sperling, M, Jacobs, M, Kieburtz, K, and the ERSET Study Group. Design considerations for a multicenter randomized controlled trial of early surgery for mesial temporal lobe epilepsy. . 51(10): 1978-1986, 2010.PMID:21334984


Hamid H, Devinsky O, Vickrey BG, Berg AT, Bazil CW, Langfitt JT, Walczak TS, Sperling MR, Shinnar S, Spencer SS. Suicide outcomes after resective epilepsy surgery. 20(3):462-4, 2011. PMID:22094480.


Engel, J, Jr.,McDermott, MP,Wiebe, S, Langfitt JT, Stern, JM, Dewar, S, Sperling, MR Gardiner, I,  Erba, G, Fried, I, Jacobs, Vinters, HV, Mintzer, SM, Kieburtz, K for the ERSET Study Group. Early Surgical Therapy for Drug-Resistant Temporal Lobe Epilepsy:A Randomized Trial. JAMA 307(9):922-930, 2012. PMID 22396514


Tivarus, ME,Starling, SJ,Newport, EL, Langfitt, JT. Homotopic Language Reorganization in the Right Hemisphere after Early Left Hemisphere Injury. Brain and Language. 123(1):1-10, 2012. PMID: 22835489


Brown FC, Westerveld M, Langfitt JT, Hamberger M, Hamid H, Shinnar S, Sperling MR, Devinsky O, Barr W, Tracy J, Masur D, Bazil CW, Spencer SS. Influence of anxiety on memory performance in temporal lobe epilepsy. . 31C:19-24, 2013 PMID 24291525


Laxer, KD,Trinka, E, Hirsch, LJ, Cendes, F, Langfitt JT, Delanty, N, Resnick, T & Benbadis, SR. The consequences of refractory epilepsy and its treatment. , 37:59-70, 2014.PMID


Hamid, H, Blackmon, K,  Cong, X, Dziura, J, Atlas, L, Vickrey, B, Berg, A, Bazil, C, Langfitt, JT,  Walczak, T, Sperling, M, Shinnar, S & Devinsky, O.  Mood, anxiety, and incomplete seizure control affect quality of life after epilepsy surgery. Neurology, 82:887-894, 2014.


Wilson SJ, Baxendale S, Barr W, Hamed S, Langfitt JT, Samson S, Watanabe M, Baker GA, Helmstaedter C, Hermann BP, Smith ML. Indications and expectations for neuropsychological assessment in routine epilepsy care: Report of the ILAE Neuropsychology Task Force, Diagnostic Methods Commission, 2013-2017. Epilepsia. 2015 May;56(5):674-81. PubMed PMID: 25779625.


Erba G, Giussani G, Juersivich A, Magaudda A, Chiesa V, Laganà A, Di Rosa G, Bianchi E, Langfitt JT, Beghi E. The semiology of psychogenic nonepileptic seizures revisited: Can video alone predict the diagnosis? Preliminary data from a prospective feasibility study. . 2016 May;57(5):777-85. PubMed PMID: 26949106.


Brim R, Mboma S, Semrud-Clikeman M, Kampondeni S, Magen J, Taylor T, Langfitt JT. Cognitive Outcomes and Psychiatric Symptoms of Retinopathy-Positive Cerebral Malaria: Cohort Description and Baseline Results. . 2017 Jul;97(1):225-231. PubMed PMID: 28719298;


Garcea FE, Chernoff BL, Diamond B, Lewis W, Sims MH, Tomlinson SB, Teghipco A, Belkhir R, Gannon SB, Erickson S, Smith SO, Stone J, Liu L, Tollefson T, Langfitt JT, Marvin E, Pilcher WH, Mahon BZ. Direct Electrical Stimulation in the Human Brain Disrupts Melody Processing. 2017 Sep 11;27(17):2684-2691. PubMed PMID: 28844645;


Erba G, Bianchi E, Giussani G, Langfitt JT, Juersivich A, Beghi E. Patients' and caregivers' contributions for differentiating epileptic from psychogenic nonepileptic seizures. Value and limitations of self-reporting questionnaires: A pilot study. . 2017 Dec;53:66-71. PubMed PMID: 29132064.


Bernstein JP, Langfitt JT. The King–Devick test as a predictor of cognitive effects after chronic partial sleep restriction: a pilot study. 2017 Jan 1;15(1):67-73.


Barbaro NM, Quigg M, Ward MM, Chang EF, Broshek DK, Langfitt JT, Yan G, Laxer KD, Cole AJ, Sneed PK, Hess CP, Yu W, Tripathi M, Heck CN, Miller JW, Garcia PA, McEvoy A, Fountain NB, Salanova V, Knowlton RC, Bagić A, Henry T, Kapoor S, McKhann G, Palade AE, Reuber M, Tecoma E. Radiosurgery versus open surgery for mesial temporal lobe epilepsy: The randomized, controlled ROSE trial. . 2018, 59:1198–1207.


Altalib HH, Berg AT, Cong X, Vickrey BG, Sperling MR, Shinnar S, Langfitt JT, Walczak TS, Bazil CW, Sukumar N, Devinsky O. Presurgical depression and anxiety are not associated with worse epilepsy surgery outcome five years postoperatively. 2018 Jun 30;83:7-12.PubMed PMID: 29631157.


Langfitt JT, McDermott MP, Brim R, Mboma S, Potchen MJ, Kampondeni SD, Seydel KB, Semrud-Clikeman M, Taylor TE. Neurodevelopmental Impairments 1 Year After Cerebral Malaria. Pediatrics. 2019 Feb 1;143(2):e20181026.


Langfitt JT, Quigg M, Yan G, Yu W, Barbaro NM, Ward MM, Chang EF, Broshek DK, , Laxer KD, Cole AJ, Sneed PK, Hess CP, , Tripathi M, Heck CN, Miller JW, Garcia PA, McEvoy A, Fountain NB, Salanova V, Knowlton RC, Bagić A, Henry T, Kapoor S, McKhann G, Palade AE, Reuber M, Tecoma E. for the Rose Study Group. Direct and indirect costs associated with stereotactic radiosurgery or open surgery for medial temporal lobe epilepsy: Results from the ROSE trial. Epilepsia. 2019;60:1453–1461. https ://


Baxendale SA, Wilson SJ, Baker GA, Barr W, Helmstaedter C, Hermann BP, Langfitt JT, Reuner G, Rzezak P, Samson S, Smith ML. Ten things every neurologist needs to know about neuropsychological assessments and interventions in people with epilepsy. Eur J Neurol. 2020 Feb;27(2):215-220. doi: 10.1111/ene.14104. Epub 2019 Nov 11. PMID: 31610070.


Binder JR, Tong JQ, Pillay SB, Conant LL, Humphries CJ, Raghavan M, Mueller WM, Busch RM, Allen L, Gross WL, Anderson CT, Carlson CE, Lowe MJ, Langfitt JT, Tivarus ME, Drane DL, Loring DW, Jacobs M, Morgan VL, Allendorfer JB, Szaflarski JP, Bonilha L, Bookheimer S, Grabowski T, Vannest J, Swanson SJ; fMRI in Anterior Temporal Epilepsy Surgery (FATES) study. Temporal lobe regions essential for preserved picture naming after left temporal epilepsy surgery. Epilepsia. 2020 Aug 11. doi: 10.1111/epi.16643. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 32780878.


Gross, W. L., Helfand, A. I., Swanson, S. J., Conant, L. L., Humphries, C. J., Raghavan, M,Langfitt JT & Binder, J. R. (2022). Prediction of naming outcome with fMRI language lateralization in left temporal epilepsy surgery. , (23), e2337-e2346.



Solicited Manuscripts and Book Chapters:


Rausch R & Langfitt JT. Memory Evaluation during the Intracarotid Sodium Amobarbital Procedure. In Lüders H. (ed.), New York:Raven Press, pp.507-514, 1991.


Langfitt, JT. Economic evaluation of health care: relevance to epilepsy care in the 1990s. American Epilepsy Society Newsletter Spring:13-16, 1997.


Rausch R, Le,MT & Langfitt JT (1997).Neuropsychological Evaluation - Adults.In Engel J Jr. and Pedley TA (eds.), .Raven Press: New York , pp.977-988, 1997.


Langfitt, JT & Bronstein, K. Use of surgical procedures in the treatment of epilepsy: interventions and outcomes.  Disease Management & Health Outcomes 5:23-40, 1999. 


Langfitt, JT.  Cost evaluations in epilepsy: an update. Epilepsia 41(S2):S62-68, 2000

Langfitt, JT & Holloway, RG. Economic prognosis: evaluating the economic outcomes of health care.  In Evans, RW, Baskin, DS & Yatsu, FM (eds.) Prognosis of Neurological Disorders,(2nd ed). Oxford:New York. pp 57-72, 2000.


Begley,C.E., Beghi,E., Beran,R.G., Heaney,D., Langfitt JT, Pachlatko,C., Silfvenius,H., Sperling,M.R., Wiebe,S. (2002) ILAE commission on the burden of epilepsy, subcommission on the economic burden of epilepsy: final report 1998-2001. 43:668-673.


Langfitt J & Wiebe S. Cost-effectiveness of epilepsy therapy: how should treatment effects be measured?  Epilepsia 43 (Suppl. 4):17-24, 2002.


Langfitt J & Meador K. Want to improve epilepsy care? Ask the patient. Neurology 62:6-7, 2004 (editorial).


Langfitt JT. "Do we know quality epilepsy care when we see it?" Neurology. 69(21):1968-9, 2007 (editorial).


Berg, AT, Langfitt JT, Vickrey, BG and Wiebe, S. Outcome Measures. In Engel J Jr and Pedley TA, (eds.) Epilepsy: A Comprehensive Textbook: 2nd Edition. New York: Raven Press, 2008


Pillas, DK; Selai, CE; ; Nuwer, M.. Economic aspects of epilepsy and antiepileptic treatment. In Engel J Jr and Pedley TA, (eds.) Epilepsy: A Comprehensive Textbook: 2nd Edition. New York: Raven Press, 2008


Langfitt, JT. "Cognition". Atlas of the Epilepsies. Panayiotopoulos, CP. Springer UK, 2010.


Langfitt, JT & Watson W. "Seizures" or Attacks": a follow-up (editorial). Neurology 75(23) 2056-2057, 2010 (editorial).


Hermann, BP & Langfitt, JT. Forgetting to remember in epilepsy: a family affair? 75(24) 2144-2155, 2010 (editorial)


Sharan A, Ooi YC, Langfitt, JT, Sperling MR. Intracarotid amobarbital procedure for epilepsy surgery. Epilepsy Behav. 20(2):209-13, 2010 (Review) PMID: 21190900


Langfitt, JT & Mathern, GW. The future is here: Web-based eight-question tool to determine epilepsy surgery evaluation. Neurology, August 15, 2012 (epub ahead of print) (editorial)


Langfitt, JT & Watson, W.   Evaluation and Management of Psychogenic, Non-epileptic Attacks. In Barr, W & Morrison, C. Handbook of the Neuropsychology of Epilepsy. New York:Springer, 2014.


Erba G, Beghi E, Magaudda A, Bianchi E, Giussani G, Di Rosa G, Laganà A, Chiesa V, Juersivich A, Langfitt, JT. In response: Towards a quantitative assessment of psychogenic nonepileptic seizures. Epilepsia. 2016 Jun;57(6):1011-2. doi: 10.1111/epi.13401. PubMed PMID: 27286757.


Langfitt JT. Cognition, behavior, and the ILAE Classification of the Epilepsies: A view from Africa. Epilepsy Behav. 2016 May 10. PubMed PMID: 27177992.


Gladstone, M, Abubakar, A, Idro, R, Langfitt JT, Newton, C. Measuring neurodevelopment in low-resource settings. The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health 2017, Volume 1 , Issue 4 , 258 – 259.


Berg, AT, Langfitt JT, Cascino, GD. "The changing landscape of epilepsy surgery”: No longer the “last resort”." Neurology (2018): 10;1212.




1997-2002   Neuropsychological Consultant, Employment

                     Connection,  Rochester Rehabilitation, Inc.,

1999-2011   Member, Board of Directors, Epilepsy Foundation of

                     Rochester, Syracuse and Binghamton

1999-2002   Chair, Employment Advisory Committee, Epilepsy

                     Foundation of Rochester, Syracuse and Binghamton

2003            President, Board of Directors, Epilepsy Foundation of

                     Rochester, Syracuse and Binghamton

2004-12       Member, Professional Advisory Board, EFA

2005-11       Chair, Leadership Development Committee, Epilepsy

                     Foundation of Rochester, Syracuse and Binghamton

2005-10      Chair, Special Review Committee, Epilepsy Foundation of

                     Rochester, Syracuse and Binghamton

2007-12       Member, Executive Committee, Epilepsy Foundation of

                     Rochester, Syracuse and Binghamton

2009            Rector’s Search Committee, St. Thomas’ Episcopal Church

2012-13       Warden, St. Thomas’ Episcopal Church

2012            Member, Merger Task Force, Epilepsy Foundation of

                     Rochester, Syracuse and Binghamton and People

                     Rebuilding and Living in Dignity (PRALID)

2012-19       Member, Board of Directors, Epilepsy-PRALID, Inc.

2016-21       Member, Mission Table, South Wedge Mission., Rochester,


2017-19       Shelter Volunteer, St. Joseph’s House of Hospitality,

                    Rochester, NY

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